Tech recruiting Done for you
by software devs
We're a recruiting agency specializing in recruiting for 'hard-to-fill' software engineering positions.
We find, source, pre-screen candidates before sending them off to you so you only receive most qualified candidates.
Assemble your engineering dream team to match your boldest product visions - MINUS THE CLUTTER
We're a recruiting agency specializing in recruiting for 'hard-to-fill' software engineering positions.

We find, source, pre-screen candidates before sending them off to you so you only receive most qualified candidates.

Assemble your engineering dream team to match your boldest product visions - MINUS THE CLUTTER
Rigorously vetted by devs
Pause or cancel anytime
Hire in days, not months
Zero headaches
  • Chornicle Logo
  • Intel Logo
  • Kajeet Logo
  • Pearsl Logo
  • Whoop Logo

Roles that we can help you with

Interactive Logos

Frontend Devs

Backend Devs

Mobile Devs


"After reviewing 500+ resumes and 3 months wasted, we reached out to No B.S. Devs. Within 5 days, they provided us 7 highly relevant candidates. We interviewed all 7 and extended offers to 4 candidates on the 2nd week.

No B.S. Devs' efficiency, professionalism and candidate quality crushed all the previous partnership expectations we had in recruiting department."
Mukta H.
Engineering Manager at Kajeet

Focusing on What Truly Matters

By removing all the bloat, noise and inefficiencies, we're able to hyper-concentrate on what truly moves the needle:


Lottie Animation Example



More outstanding engineers make for better, more outstanding products and companies.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates, Co-Founder of Microsoft


Hire great engineers if you want to build great products.

Marc Andreessen

Marc Andreessen, Co-Founder of Netscape


Recruiting is the most important thing we do.

Brian Chesky

Brian Chesky, Co-Founder of Airbnb


The best team wins. Code quality and engineering talent are what matters most.

Brett Taylor

Brett Taylor, Co-Founder of Quip


Hire the best engineers from the start, because it's difficult to compensate for not having a talented team later on.

Patrick Collison

Patrick Collison, Co-Founder of Stripe


The truly big companies, the ones that make sustained progress year after year, are the ones with truly great engineering talent.

Vinod Khosla

Vinod Khosla, Co-Founder of Sun Microsystems

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Totally async
Don’t like meetings? We don't either;  evaluate candidates and provide feedback without meetings or calls.
Seamless Trello Management
See new candidates, review and interview them, and submit feedback - all in one place.
Invite your team for input
Easily invite your entire engineering squad, so everyone can see and weigh in on potential hires.
"4 months of frustration with traditional agencies, and our in-house recruiters having no answer, we turned to No B.S. Devs.

In just 12 days, they provided 9 pre-vetted candidates.
We hired 5, who've been exceptional additions to our dev teams.

No B.S. Devs achieved in two weeks what others couldn't in months, saving us time, money and dramatically improving our hiring success"
Narendra G.
Engineering Director at Fortune 50 company

Membership Advantages

Transform Your Tech Recruiting Experience

Career lift animated icon
Your Dedicated Candidate Pipeline
Candidate animated icon
Candidates Delivered At Warp Speed
Light bulb animated icon
One Simple Flat Subscription
First place animated icon
Rockstar Developers Only
Timer animated icon
Agile Hiring, Built For Your Needs
Team animated icon
Tailored Team Fit, Just For You

Pricing Options

The $4,999 Monthly Subscription
One Software Engineering Role Filled At A Time
Flexible terms: pause or cancel anytime.
What's included:
  • Unlimited curated candidates delivered every  48-72 hrs until you hire
  • Sourcing, headhunting and pre-screening all done for you
  • Skills vetted by senior software devs
  • Interview coordination handled for you
  • Tailored culture fit analysis
  • Pause/cancel  anytime
Pay Per Placement
0 risk to you
No credit card upfront required
Only pay when successfully hired
What's included:
  • Unlimited curated candidates delivered every  48-72 hrs until you hire
  • Sourcing, headhunting and pre-screening all done for you
  • Skills vetted by senior software devs
  • Interview coordination handled for you
  • Tailored culture fit analysis
  • 180 day replacement guarantee
The $4,999 Monthly Subscription
One Software Engineering Role Filled At A Time
Flexible terms: pause or cancel anytime.
What's included:
  • Unlimited curated candidates delivered every  48-72 hrs until you hire
  • Sourcing, headhunting and pre-screening all done for you
  • Skills vetted by senior software devs
  • Interview coordination handled for you
  • Tailored culture fit analysis
  • Pause/cancel  anytime
Pay Per Placement
0 risk to you
No credit card upfront required
Only pay when successfully hired
What's included:
  • Unlimited curated candidates delivered every  48-72 hrs until you hire
  • Sourcing, headhunting and pre-screening all done for you
  • Skills vetted by senior software devs
  • Interview coordination handled for you
  • Tailored culture fit analysis
  • 180 day replacement guarantee

Want to hire Devs like these?

  • Ryan
  • Frame 8
  • Devon
  • Frame 4
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